Death Book is a casual game inspired by the manga created by Tsugumi Ōba, where you are in charge of deciding the death of many characters. Swipe your finger over each individual to go about filling this black notebook.
The 3D graphics in Death Book help you see each character on the screen. Just swipe on the screen to target the person whose death you are going to cause.
The first step is to write their name on the left page of the notebook, and after this, the game will provide two possible deaths for each character. In this sense, you must write the reason for death on the right of the book. Like this, you will observe the fatal end for each person in a matter of seconds.
Death Book puts you in the shoes of Light Yagami as you decide each character's destiny. Target the different characters in each scene to start the action that will cause their deaths. As you make your way through the games, you will gradually fill the pages of this dark as the characters die.